nos vayamos a llevar las manos a la cabeza porque sea Ryanair quien hace esto, porque yo he visto en mostradores de Iberia a gente sacando cosas de las maletas que iban a facturar porque pesabangramos más de lo permitido, así que o lo llevaban encima o tenían que pagar el suplemento. Te aseguro que cambiarás de opinión. Te encontraras cosas como: Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface o tambien Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma, y demas inventos asociados al famoso HAARP. Temperatura ambiente: ºC Temperatura de mi aliento: ºC Temperatura de mi soplido con los labios muy juntos: ,ºC
una potencia medianamente decente? porque mover un globito lo hago hasta yo a soplidos, y eso que mi capacidad pulmonar es de chiste xD Tengo , kw con vitro y lavavajillas (que son las dos puntas mas altas y no lo pongo simultaneamente),la lavadora la uso en frio (w), el aire (,-, kw) y nunca me salta el ICP. Tengo miedo
HAARP facility will not affect the weather. Transmitted energy in the frequency ranges that will be used by HAARP is not absorbed in either the troposphere or the stratosphere - the two levels of the atmosphere that produce the earth's weather. Electromagnetic interactions only occur in the near-vacuum of the rarefied region above aboutkm known as the ionosphere. ionosphere is created and continuously replenished as the sun's radiation interacts with the highest levels of the Earth's atmosphere. The downward coupling from the ionosphere to the stratosphere/troposphere is extremely weak, and no association between natural ionospheric variability and surface weather and climate has been found, even at the extraordinarily high levels of ionospheric turbulence that the sun can produce during a geomagnetic storm. If the ionospheric storms caused by the sun itself don't affect the surface weather, there is no chance that HAARP can do so either.
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